Last Sunday we recited the Covenant, which is a statement of who we are as a church family, where we are now and where we aspire to be in the future.
The Covenant is divided into four sections: to worship you, to connect with each other and our neighbours, to learn and grow together, and to serve our community and the world.
I am drawn to the worship section and the call for musical diversity. As a member of the Visioning Team, I and the other members heard from you as to how important music is in our worship life, especially for a variety of music.
Even though we are a relatively small community, we are blessed with musicians and singers: organist, piano players, cellists, violinist, clarinet, drummer, bass fiddle, bell ringers, and guitar. Some have played professionally in theatre orchestras for Broadway stage shows and others have performed with symphony orchestras. As well we have a music composer and a former rock band performer. We have professional choral singers and people who like to sing. On behalf of the Worship Committee, Don Butt, will be working with this group to plan for exciting possibilities when we get back together to make "a joyful noise unto the Lord."
I would encourage you to look at the Covenant and to ask if there is something you would like to contribute in a small or big way.
The Covenant is a call to enrich our community even more.