
Welcome to Christ Church Gabriola                

A Collaborative Anglican-United Church Open to All!           

We welcome you, whoever and wherever you are, to join us on a journey. We strive to accept each other as we are and welcome the ministry and participation of all persons regardless of age, gender identity, health, race, sexual orientation, differing abilities, religious or ethnic background or economic circumstance.  We hope that in all that we do, in our worship and community life,  that the Creator’s unconditional love is experienced. We do this trusting The Creator is with us on the journey.

Hello Visitor!

We are pleased you have dropped by our website. We would like to tell you a little about our church.

After many years of worshipping in the same building, then worshipping together and working together in a number of outreach programs, St. Martin of Tours Anglican and Gabriola United Church decided to become a shared ministry, with a new name and a new mandate of continuing with a blended service that honours both the Anglican and the United traditions of worship.  

See the article in the Gabriola Sounder here.

The Shared Ministry Agreement between the two denominations was signed on June 25th, 2017.  See it here.

Since then we welcomed our new minister, Rev. Karen Hollis who began working with us in January 2017 as a three-quarter-time minister.  Karen answered the call to Comox United in January 2023. Our Search Committee diligently followed protocol and in January 2024, Rev Suzanna Bates became our .5 minister,

After many years of searching within to resolve our differences and celebrate our shared commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ, we are now looking outwards at how to be a more vibrant Christian voice in our community.  We welcome new ideas, new people and new energy!  Our Church family resembles our island community in its long-standing friendships, care for our neighbours and wide welcome for newcomers – our community has much to offer you!  

(To know more about each ministry below, click on its title.)

Outreach: Our Outreach programs include Friday Lunch program at PHC (People for a Healthy Community) where we offer a free Soup Social with buns, fruit and dessert for anyone who drops in. 

The Bell Ringers group meets to make music every Monday morning and prepare pieces for worship.

Our Pastoral Care Committee makes sure that our sick, bereaved and vulnerable parishioners are cared for with meals, visits and prayers. 

We have a Prayer Wheel that receives confidential prayer requests, which are then shared with a closed group of people who pray for those needs.

Social/Fun CommitteeThroughout the year we have social events, as well as a few fund-raising events where we raise money for our community.

Music Ministry:  Music Director, Dorothy Dittrich. We welcome musicians, as we have a choir and encourage musicians to provide special music for our services. 

Education: We encourage each other to take advantage of opportunities for deepening our faith, through our Tuesday morning scripture study with our minister, which focuses on the upcoming readings for Sunday.

We encourage you to come and explore our community of faith. We hope you feel at home here. If you would like to be put on our mailing list or find out more about our Church and congregation please put your contact information in the form below and our minister will contact you soon.

      We gather on the ancestral lands of the Snuneymuxw people.  

Don Moser tells the story of Zacchaeus

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