Hilary Plowright
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 A Collaborative Anglican-United Church Open to All.

We follow Jesus Christ worshipping and serving with love and joy.

We open our minds, hearts and doors to the world.
Hybrid Worship Service, May 19, 2024, 10:00am

Pentecost Sunday

Rev Suzanna Bates

Musician Dorothy Dittrich
You’re invited to attend our 

 service on ZOOM at 10:00am 

Dear Friends

In the church calendar the season of Easter (Eastertide) is over and the season of Pentecost blows in with fire and dove to breathe life into old bones, awake what feels dead and bring to birth new challenges and ways for God’s people. Jesus reminds us that the wind blows where it wishes, we can hear it but we do not know where it comes from or where it is going (John 3:8). The church is always called to go to where Spirit leads and grow what Spirit blesses. We recall the first Pentecost where thousands heard the wind of Spirit and were compelled to open their lives to Spirit’s breath. And so the church was born. And it still follows the life-giving wind, the breath of Creator.

Being people of Spirit should make us all the more aware of where this wind is leading us, or what the wind is revealing, but sometimes we are sometimes scared of the wind. We are afraid of what it might expose, what it might reveal. We are afraid to follow the path of uncertainty and no guarantees, afraid to offer up the life we have and know for the life that Spirit will reveal in small bits along the way. The sad thing about the church is that so often we baton down the hatches then the wind blows. We are afraid that we will lose the precious things that we hold sacred, that they will be blown away. 

We live in this stunning place where the wind blows over the ocean where it wishes. It fills the sails of boats, lifts seagulls and eagles to great heights and blows old cobwebs away. Pentecost is a season of opening our hearts and lives and letting the refreshing breeze in, the breath of God, the life-giving wind of Spirit. And if we do, Spirit will take us further on the journey down unexplored pathways,  unknown roads, unchartered waters. But we will have joy, and we will sing, and we will know we are truly alive because we are prepared to follow where the wind of Spirit blows.  

As we celebrate Pentecost on Sunday we pray for the revitalising breath of Spirit to fill our worship and inspire our lives and work.

Blessings always,

Rev. Suzanna Bates

* Note: I will be on study leave next week - planning a new Summer Worship Series
  Join us Fridays for 

Coffee Hour & Soup Social! 


We are fortunate to have a number of musicians who entertain us and lead us in a sing-along.

The Covenanting service for Rev. Suzanna Bates will be held on Sunday 2nd June 2024 with Rev. Sally Bullas (Representative from Pacific Mountain Region) participating.

Rev Marvin Svingen Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination

Marvin's 50th Anniversary of Ordination is on June 9 and will be celebrated at Hope Lutheran Church on that day.

There were many months when Marvin would catch the ferry over to be with the Anglicans on Gabriola - long before CCG came together.

So I'm wanting to be in touch with someone who might like to offer a contribution

to the June 9 Celebration event.

Mostly what seems best is some kind of written recollection that would be read (on Zoom) or..in person should someone wish to come to the Hope Lutheran 10:00 Service.

It's important that whatever is spoken, is also written, and can be given to Marvin afterwards as he continues with significant hearing loss.

Thank you.

Deborah. (Rev Marvin’s wife)