Hot Lunch Program
Suspended during Covid
Christ Church Gabriola provides a hot lunch every Friday (except during July & August) at the People for a Healthy Community location at the Commons. All are welcome.
Food Recovery Program at Christ Church Gabriola Wednesdays---1-2 p.m. at the Church Hall (suspended during Covid)
PHC has asked CCG if they would consider being a “South End” depot on Wednesdays for fruit and produce salvaged in their food recovery program.
Those of us that work at the Friday Lunch program are familiar with the produce which is often only slightly wilted, damaged, etc. and is cleaned and presented to the Soup Social folk to take home. This keeps our landfills cleaner and what isn’t used for animals or humans is composted.
Betty Schultze has volunteered to pick up produce on Wednesdays after tutoring and it will be available for anyone who comes to the Church hall between the hours of 1 and 3 o’clock on Wednesdays to pick it up.
Please let all your neighbours know! Using perfectly good food rather than composting it, is a green and ethical thing to do!
Everyone, if you live on the South end of Gabriola, please come!
Outreach Ministries:
- Foster Children
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Prayer Wheel
- Friday Lunch PHC
- Community Connections