Hilary Plowright
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A Collaborative Anglican-United Church Open to All.

We follow Jesus Christ worshipping and serving with love and joy.

We open our minds, hearts and doors to the world.
Hybrid Worship Service, May 26, 2024, 10:00am


Mona Smart & Betty Schultze

Musician Dorothy Dittrich
You’re invited to attend our 

 on ZOOM at 10:00am 

May 26, 2024, is Trinity Sunday and the only day of the entire church year

that is devoted exclusively to a doctrine.

On Trinity Sunday we at Christ Church Gabriola join with the Christian

community world-wide to celebrate our triune relationship with God. 

PLEASE NOTE: Reverend Suzanna is away the Sunday of May 26

Betty Schultze and Mona Smart will be leading this service.

Dear Friends,

We are always being called to openness. To open our eyes, our hearts, our minds; to look for open doors. The more I look at this small island, the more I see some immensely good things happening here. Invitations to real community and relationships. Learning about others, offering our time and helping hands to make a difference. I see people who are open, or who want to be open so that they may be agents of change for the good. For example, I was delighted to see the invitation from the Snuneymuxw First Nation to celebrate and learn about our ocean and how we are all connected to it. Ocean Day will be celebrated on Gabriola on Saturday 8th June (scroll down the page for some more details).

Another invitation to openness is extended by Amy Block, a member of our congregation, who is gathering folk in a talking circle on 30 May to think about how to make peace in our world. Please scroll down for more details.

As we enter the “green season” of the church calendar, the long season of pentecost (also known as “ordinary time”), we will turn our minds to a greener focus in our worship. As the earth is unfolding and opening more to new life in this late spring, we will find our attention being drawn to our deep and inextricable connection to our good green Earth. We’ll begin, for a few weeks, by using the evergreen stories of our faith and later move into our Summer Series which will focus on The Healing Earth. All through this green season we’ll hear the call to be more open, open to Spirit’s work among us, within us, around us.

Blessings - today and always,

Rev. Suzanna Bates

Attention:  An invitation to Members of Christ Church Gabriola to submit forward-thinking proposals that will enrich our church community.

At our April Council meeting, the $3,750 received from the closure of the Comox-Nanaimo United Church Presbytery in 2017 was discussed and it was decided that the congregation should know about these available funds and present any ideas they might have about how it should be used.

Before the pandemic, after all our work visioning, creating a meaningful covenant that we made between ourselves as a congregation and before God, detailing a strategic plan (see link below) that outlined where we wanted to go as a Church and creating a process for implementation, it seems that following the process we started would be a good way forward in planning how we should use this money.  Rev.Suzanna at our recent AGM inspired us to think creatively about our future and now is an excellent time to begin projects that enhance our faith community.

 To that end, we would invite you to consider projects you think the church might engage in using the guidelines and forms we have provided in the link below.

Guidelines for Proposals: (attached)

CCG Strategic Plan  (attached) 

            Join us Fridays for 

Coffee Hour & Soup Social! 


We are fortunate to have a number of musicians who entertain us and lead us in a sing-along. 

The Covenanting service for Rev. Suzanna Bates will be held on Sunday 2nd June 2024 with Rev. Sally Bullas (Representative from Pacific Mountain Region) participating.

Rev Marvin Svingen Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of his Ordination

Marvin's 50th Anniversary of Ordination is on June 9 and will be celebrated at Hope Lutheran Church on that day.

There were many months when Marvin would catch the ferry over to be with the Anglicans on Gabriola - long before CCG came together.

So I'm wanting to be in touch with someone who might like to offer a contribution

to the June 9 Celebration event.

Mostly what seems best is some kind of written recollection that would be read (on Zoom) or..in person should someone wish to come to the Hope Lutheran 10:00 Service.

It's important that whatever is spoken, is also written, and can be given to Marvin afterwards as he continues with significant hearing loss.

Thank you.

Deborah. (Rev Marvin’s wife)

Wild & Sacred Gabriola

 Next Gathering June 9, Elder Cedar Forest at 2:00pm

Here’s a great opportunity for CCG to live into Right Relations!
Snuneymuxw First Nation invites ALL to join in this celebrate to learn about our ocean, how we are all connected it, and how we can protect it!

The event is hosted by Snuneymuxw First Nation with the support of Gabriola Island Shorekeepers Association, Gabriola Arts Council (and their Breaking Bannock Series!), and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 

kw'atl'kwu Gabriola Ocean Day 
Saturday June 8, 2024
12:00pm – 4:00pm
Snuneymuxw First Nation Land, located at Degnen Bay
(near the end of Rowan Way)

Parking is very limited, please use the FREE park and ride shuttle located adjacent to the South End Fire Hall (it will run continuously throughout the event).


(You can also find the Order of Service on our website under ‘Services’.)

Order of Service