Hilary Plowright
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You’re invited to attend our 

SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER/ ASCENSION, MAY 12, 2024 (Order of Srvice attached)
 service on ZOOM at 10:00am

Dear Friends,

This past Thursday the Church acknowledged and celebrated Ascension Day! It’s strange how this Christian festival goes by pretty unnoticed these days. Maybe we have a hard time coming to grips with a Jesus that ascended into the clouds when we know for sure that our rules of gravity apply here.

But I think there is a gem that we might miss every year if we bypass the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus. It’s part of our story, notice I said - story, our faith story. Jesus is demonstrating in the most awesome way possible, that he needs to say goodbye to the disciples, all his followers, so that the work may go on through them. He is saying that WE are all now the vehicles of God’s transforming love here on earth. There comes a time, when an apprentice must leave the studio of the teacher who has poured all they know of their particular craft into the student. The teacher must step aside so that the student can shine and continue the work in their own way. And so the Teacher steps aside, or rather steps into a cloud and leaves them all bewildered, rooted to the spot. It takes angels to wake them out of their grief and confusion and remind them of the instructions he left. It’s such an incredible archetypal story and we get to realize and live it out it in our faith story.

I hope you’ll join us on Sunday, on Zoom, if you can’t make it to church, as we explore more about the Ascension and why it’s such an amazingly appropriate and life-giving story for our time.

And then, next week is Pentecost! The unleashing of love onto people, who may have been tired and divided, grief torn and perplexed, open and wondering what next.

If you’d like to be in touch, or if you’d like to meet me at the church for a conversation, I am available by phone, text, e-mail or even Zoom. Here’s how to reach me: E-mail - rev.suzanna@gmail.com      phone/text - 250-4665993

Blessings always,

Rev. Suzanna Bates


Join us Fridays for 

Coffee Hour & Soup Social! 


We are fortunate to have a number of musicians who entertain us and lead us in a sing-along.


Don’t Be Scammed!

My story goes that I received a message in Messenger from my sister-in-law, generally asking how I was, etc. I replied how we were doing and she said great as her grant had come through. This was no surprise to me as she is an accountant and would know about these sorts of things. She gave me the website of the lawyer who was handling these programs. As she made more money than me I figured if she got it then I would try and give out more money as she needed. I tried to call her but no connection. Anyway, I emailed back and forth with this lawyer and filled out the application with personal information and a copy of my driver's license. The next afternoon I was advised I qualified and to have 3 $100 gift cards. I replied I don’t do gift cards.  
The grant was a CFDA Cataloging Federal Domestic Assistance program. The lawyer's name was Dennis Conklin and everything looked kosher. So, if I can be taken in by this scam, anyone can.
I advised the RCMP and they didn’t think it would be a problem. But I figured that with this information, they could impersonate me. I have put this on the Gabriola Community Board, contacted my financial advisor at the bank and they have put an alert on my accounts. I also contacted Equifax to put a flag on my credit information so if any retailer or bank would check, I would be advised immediately to ensure it is me or... ? They advised me that it would stay on for 6 years. I plan to call ICBC  on Monday and see if anything can be done about my driver’s license.
I see I have rambled on too long but just would like everyone to be advised.
