Lent and Easter Services 2023
“Forward in Faith – Step by Step.”
This year’s Lenten Theme is “Forward in Faith – Step by Step.” Each Sunday in Lent highlights a ministry of Christ Church Gabriola.
A stepping stone, as a visual representation of the featured ministry, will be placed at the front of the church. All are invited to journey with us step by step through the Sundays of Lent, culminating in Holy Week and the celebration of Easter Sunday.
Ash Wednesday Service: Wednesday, February 22, 10:00am (in person)
Lent One: February 26, 10:00am (hybrid)
Theme: “Kin-dom Come,” highlighting two new outreach ministry proposals
Free The Houses Catalyst Project and the Good Morning Contact Program.
Lent Two: March 5, 10:00am (hybrid)
“Pray Without Ceasing,” profiling the ministry of prayer
Prayer Wheel and Prayer Shawl ministries (blessing of prayer shawls)
Lent Three: March 12, 10:00am (hybrid)
“Faith Rings Out,” enjoying the ministry of communal “ringing”
Hand Bell Choir
Lent Four: March 19, 10:00am (hybrid)
“Home-cooked Hospitality,” building community one meal at a time
Friday Soup Lunch Program (please stay for a soup lunch after church)
Lent Five: March 26, 10:00am (hybrid)
“Healing Peace,” profiling CCG’s pastoral care ministry
Pastoral Care Committee
Palm Sunday: April 2, 10:00am (hybrid)
“Talents in Tune,” making a joyful noise with a music mix/jam along
Your opportunity to be a part of an impromptu band and play along as the hymns are sung—no matter the instrument you play, bring it to church and join in.
Stations of the Cross: March 31, 10:30am
(a meditative opportunity for reflection and musical interlude)
Good Friday Service: April 7, 10:00am (hybrid)
Easter Sunday Service: April 9, 10:00am (hybrid)